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Showing posts with label new. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2021

Answer to Pakistani molvi who talk against Christmas and Peace

Nowadays, Maulvis are talking a lot against Christmas in Pakistan. And among the Muslim people, they are trying to create chaos. That giving and receiving Christmas greetings is a sin. Christians celebrate Christmas in the joy of the birth of Jesus Christ. And it will be celebrated till the Day of Resurrection.

If you are saying that celebrating the joy of Jesus (pbuh) is a sin, then you are refusing to believe him. His date of birth is a different matter. And there are a lot of videos on it that you can watch. A Muslim is not a Muslim unless he confesses all the prophets and does not accept them. On the contrary, I would say that all Muslims should celebrate this day. Because we celebrate the day of the birth of a prophet, through whom the system of resurrection is to begin.

And when Jesus (pbuh) comes, how can he forget his people? He will be the first to call us and his followers will be in the front rows.

Here I would like to mention a little bit about proxy war. In proxy war, people are incited against each other, so that there will be unrest in the country and people will turn against each other and kill each other, so that the country will not develop. Like Kulbhushan Yadav, he also pretended to be a Muslim, and used the mosque and the innocent people of Pakistan for his mission. People who use religion to incite hatred. Check them out immediately and report to the Anti-Terrorism Force.

Because religion is a topic on which war breaks out easily and at the moment the biggest enemy is our India. And what do you think? That India will not use this weapon. They know that the people of Pakistan are Aashiq Rasool and they do not think about it. But Pakistanis, we have to think about who is trying to create chaos and report it.

Like the killing of Hazara community in Quetta is not stopping because I think our enemy is trying to tell the world and make Iran realize that Shiites are not safe in Pakistan. And trying to turn Iran against Pakistan.

A few days ago my friend shared Surah Ar-Rahman with me and while I was reading its translation it all felt like I was reciting a psalm from the Holy Bible. Sir, our spiritual father is one and our destination is one. We need to read and learn.

That is why Jesus Christ said that if you know the truth, the truth will set you free. May God help all law enforcement agencies to work better. Amen.

Long live Pakistan Army, long live Pakistan

Thank you very much. God be with you. Click here to share your Love offering and love gifts. 

Friday, January 1, 2021

Christian talent from Pakistan will write articles and blog post to boost website SEO

We are from Pakistan as is evident from the main subject. We promote Christian youth in Pakistan, who do good work on the Internet. Well Christian talent from Pakistan will write articles and blog post to boost your website SEO. (Search Engine Optimization).

One of our brothers gives his services on Fiverr who writes great blogs. When we were talking to him, we asked him what are the benefits of writing blogs. So he said that if a blog is written about any website and a link to that website is given in it, then various search engines bring it to the first number.

And the more we talked to him, the more we realized that any website should always be number one in search engines. He should write something for his website every month., so that search engines get a new link to read, which makes it better for the search engine system.

So find a job for our Pakistani Christian Talent and tell your friends and relatives about it so that our brother has a lot of work to do.

Our Christian brother serve a Church a lot. And we pray that God will bless him in his work and And his work was a blessing to others as well.

Here is the link to this brother's account on fiverr so please visit and like his gigs. Please give him some work and also if you want to advertise your business, be sure to contact this brother and get your business promoted affordably.

At the end, remind yourself again that don't forget to tell your friends and relatives about it because by helping each other we can honor and glorify God's name.

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