Monday, June 14, 2021

Learn the method of praying in the Bible part 1 and 2

Welcome everyone. And I hope that by the grace of God today will be a good day. And He is ready to bless you abundantly. But we have to prepare ourselves according to His Word. According to his commandments.

So in today; we will discuss three points. But in Part 1 we learned to pray for one another so that we might be healed. If you haven't seen that video, be sure to watch it. 

The (i) icon above contains a link. After watching it, come back to this video so that a continuity can be maintained. So that you people can easily understand. And may you be blessed. 

Part 1

How long should Christians pray every day; does this is written in the Bible? Today we will talk about it. This is my target, that you become a strong soldier of Jesus Christ. 

So that you can fight a spiritual battle for your own family. In the name of Jesus Christ I command your environment. To start creating better and better things for you. And you can hear God's voice and act on it. Amen

God hears the prayers of His servants and other people equally. But the only difference is that might be an immediate response from God when an evangelist or pastor prays. Because the servant of God comes to God every day and hears God's voice and guides his people.

But how long should we pray? Jesus Christ teaches us about it. 

The lives of Jesus Christ and His disciples are a guide for us and we must follow in their footsteps. We have to practice those things. And it is very important that we memorize and practice the commands of God to live a very successful life. 

Today we will talk about these things. 

1. How long should we pray each day?

2. How soon will our prayers be answered?

3. Why are our prayers not answered immediately?

Our war is spiritual and our enemy is Satan who is a great impostor. And he claimed that I had all the glory of the world.  And he who worships him will give him all things but things we get with the help of spirits, pain will also involved.

Because he cannot love like God, and he used this tactic on Jesus Christ as well. When Jesus Christ went hungry after forty days of starvation. And showing all the kingdoms and splendours of the world, he said to Jesus Christ, "Prostrate yourselves before him, and all the glory of the world will be given to him."

But Jesus Christ is the embodiment of the Word. And they answered from within the Word. All of these things come into being through the Word of God, and when we are the children of God. Made by believing in Jesus Christ. So we become the owners of these things. All we have to do is claim it using God's Word.

Because the words that come out of the tongues of the servants using the Word of God create things. Things come into being. But when we grow up, we handle things better. Then God will give us the blessings of this world, we will first discuss the third point, why our prayers are not answered immediately.

In fact, our war is a spiritual war that is fought in the heavens and we do not see it. I want to tell you about it that we can't see with our own eyes but it is happening. And we think that our prayers are not heard. God does not answer our prayers and we stop praying.

As I mentioned earlier with you guys. That the things written in the Bible are for our guidance. All that God commanded, His people and His prophets, to bear witness to the generations to come. And people can live their lives better. According to God's will. Everything we read in the Bible was written by God, and in some places God Himself created and gave things to man.

We will read the passage to understand the spiritual war that is going on around us and in the heavens. 

Daniel 10:12 and 13 verse

And he said unto me, O Daniel, fear not: for from the day that thou settest thine heart to understand, and to humble thyself before thine hand, thou shalt hear, and I have come in response to them, When the servant of God came to God with his supplication, God heard his prophet.

But Daniel did not immediately get what he was asking God. It is written further. But the client of the kingdom of Persia [today's Iran] resisted me for twenty-one days. 

The angel who was coming to answered Daniel prayer. The Persian client moved to stop him, and war raged in the sky for twenty-one days. And then the angel Michael came to his help.

But the client of the Persian kingdom opposed me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the closest angels, came to my aid, and I stayed with the king of Persia. When another angel came and helped the first angel, God's message reached Daniel.

Daniel had to wait twenty-one days to know God's will. In the same way, many clients are trying against us so that our relationship with God is become not strong as it should be and when we don't go to church and read God's Word, our spirit and our spiritual life are weakened. our condition is not conducive to spiritual warfare. You have had to prepare for any war or competition.

And when we are ready, our prayers will be answered quickly. This was our second point. The first point was how long we should pray each day. Jesus Christ teaches how to pray in different places, but two points are very important.

Luke 18: 1. Then he taught [Jesus Christ] to pray all the time and not to give up. That is, the command to keep praying all the time, then in Luke 22: 46

Jesus Christ commanded the disciples again. Which is also a beacon for us. And he said unto them, Why sleep ye? Get up and pray that may not be tempted. Christians are commanded to be clean 24 hours a day and ready for spiritual war at all times

If we meditate on these verses, it becomes clear that by praying, we can overcome many of the things that make our lives miserable.

God bless you and share this video on your Facebook. So that more people have the opportunity to learn and God's people are blessed

and live a good life. We ask this in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Part 2

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