Saturday, February 6, 2021

Can Christians drink Zamzam water

Can Christians drink Zamzam water?

Many of my friends are Muslims. Sometimes we even talk about religion. During the conversation, I realized that he had no idea that the well was mentioned in the Bible and was written about. Then I thought why not write on this topic and also make a video on it so that people can find out about it and people can harmonize with each other with love.

We will first look at what such reference is in the Bible. For this we will look at Genesis chapter 16 and its six verses from the Bible. Where something like this is written; and the angel of the LORD found her in the wilderness by a well of water; that is beside the road to Shur.

And that is, Hajra Bibi, the mother of Hazrat Ismail (as). If we look, according to the Bible, this well was already there, which is on the way to the Shur, maybe people will come there because of this well, so Hagar Bibi stopped there and the angel addressed them and He gave them the good news of Ishmael. And Ishmael means God heard the prayer.

But it is mentioned in the Qur'an in such a way that when Hazrat Ismail (as) rubbed his heels on the ground, water came out of it. Many more such incidents are found in the Bible in connection with the genealogy of Islam, it looks a little different. Perhaps there is a reason why Muslims say that the Bible has been changed. And Muslim scholars began to make it famous. That the Bible has changed, or has changed.

I don't think it's a big deal. The important thing is that these events are found in both books. And the Christian faith is that nothing can be erased or eliminated by human effort. What God has ordained will come into being.

Here are some more interesting facts about this well.

  1. Well is about a hundred feet deep
  2. It is under the control of Saudi Arabia and people are not allowed to go there and now it is enclosed with glass walls so that people can see it from afar.
  3. The water from the Zamzam well is clear and odorless, but it has a distinctive taste.
  4. Because it has a pH 7.9-8
  5. This research is according to the King Saud University of Saudi Arabia
  6. Due to its pH, its water is very unique. Water is not sweet but it will still feel sweet.
Now more wells have been discovered around it and the team there is constantly monitoring the amount of water. But look at the power of God that this well is giving the same amount of water that God brought into existence for His people thousands of years ago today. And if a Muslim friend of yours gives you Zamzam water as a gift for you, you can gladly drink its water because we also find mention of it in the Bible. People of the time used to benefit from its water and you can also enjoy its water.

I hope you guys have learned something by watching this video and or reading this article. May God help us all to live in love and peace with each other. Amen

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