Friday, March 31, 2023

How I received the Holy Spirit, Thirsty For God Church Pakistan

This is the second video of God Changed Me. And in this video we will talk about how I received the Holy Spirit and what changes God made in me and what practices I used to do before I received the Holy Spirit. 

My name is Kashif Paul and you are watching. Thirsty for Cod Church's YouTube and Facebook channels.
The Holy Spirit is such a supernatural force and power that we cannot understand with our human intellect. And as many of you may also know, the Holy Spirit blesses everyone with different kinds of blessings. God knows who will get what blessing or maybe what blessing you wish for.

Here, to increase your knowledge, let me tell you that Muslim scholars have likened the Holy Spirit to Gabriel. And while I was reading this. So at that time I remembered the words of Jesus Christ when he said that the Gentiles cannot receive Holy Spirit because they do not know Him.

Although the Holy Spirit is for every nation and every person who will long for it and try to get it. It will change you. As many of us also know that due to the laying on of hands by the disciples and praying for them, this blessing would begin to be received by other nations as well.

Because of the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, you can give someone life or death. As we read about Ananias and Sapphira in the Holy Bible. They will die for forgetting to lie before the Holy Spirit.

Pastors who reach the next level of blessings of the Holy Spirit are rarely seen. And the main reason for this that I understand is that many servants go into comfort zones after receiving a single gift of Holy Spirit. Then they don't aspire and work as hard as they did in the early days.

Their own needs are being fulfilled, but they do not work hard and pray for other people so that they too can be saved and enjoy God's blessings.

God does not take hold of everyone, only He takes hold of a particular person, changes him and gives him experiences that increase his faith that there is power and strength of God and the Holy Spirit. Changes can be made in spiritual places and worldly places.

I often think about it and ask myself and God why God does this, why doesn't he make everyone experience spiritual strength and power.

And what I understand is that it is only after human desire, hard work, and dedication, as well as following God's commandments, that you enter the atmosphere of the spiritual world. And then you start seeing things that the normal person doesn't.

And then on whomever God converts, He places the duty of declaring God's greatness to other people. And bring other people closer to God. Man himself cannot change another man, but we can only try. The real work is done by the inspiration of God and the Holy Spirit.

The Bible also describes the Holy Spirit as a divine being, a personality with its own wisdom (intellect) emotions and will.

The fact that the Holy Spirit is God can be seen in many passages of Scripture, including Acts 5:3-4. In this passage, Peter confronts Ananias and asks him why he lied to the Holy Spirit, and he tells him that by doing so he "lied not to man, but to God." This is a very clear declaration that lying to the Holy Spirit is the same as lying to God. For example, in verses 7-8 of Psalm 139, it can be seen that the Holy Spirit is present everywhere. If I make a bed in Hades, look! You are there too." Then in 1 Corinthians 2:11-12 we observe the omniscient (i.e. all-knowing) characteristic of the Holy Spirit. "For who among men knoweth the things of a man, save a man's own spirit which is in him? Even so no man knoweth the things of God, save the Spirit of God."

I also happened to meet people who said that the blessings of the Holy Spirit are not for today. This was at the time of the disciples. But today I will share my practice with you, which I used to do in the early days, so that you may also receive the blessing and may God make it possible for you to enjoy this spiritual blessing.

First is the confession or desire that you want to see God and the spiritual world and experience His power. I remember when I was ten or twelve years old, God's servants came to worship at our local church. At the end of worship he said who wants to work for God.

I jokingly and thoughtlessly raised my hand and they said come to the stage. I came to them laughing and they laid hands on me and prayed that God would use me for His work. Amen

It was a small prayer that they prayed. And I went back and sat down, laughing, jumping. At that time I did not realize what I asked for and what is the effect and meaning of this prayer.

And today I say to you, who wants to work for God? Whosoever wishes, close his eyes and pray with me that God may come to me, change me and give me the grace to work for the expansion of your kingdom. I ask this in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Nothing happened until ten years after pastors prayed. My life was going on like normal people and I didn't even remember that I even asked for prayer to pastors.

And when I turned twenty, things started to change. God spoke first through the father of one of my friends. His words were, Kashif, have you read the Holy Bible?

And today when I think of that time, I am surprised because he was a Muslim and his own life was not so religious, there was never any talk of religion between us.

Three or two times God spoke again through different people at different times and all the words were almost the same if you read the Bible.

And I was engrossed in my fun and did not understand at that time that God also gives voice, I forgot that ten years ago a servant of God prayed for me to work for God.

And when God called the third time, it was very harsh and my spiritual peace was destroyed. There was a change in me. And this voice was also given by God by using one of my college friend and teacher.

I cannot describe this situation in words. I started to feel some strange things. Our college days were very beautiful, we all friends used to have fun together, teasing the college administration, playing cricket, not letting any opportunity pass to teasing the girls.

But God's hand had started to tighten on me now. Maybe I wasn't lovingly listening to God's voice. Various questions were now arising in me by themselves, now my friends would start asking me questions. Our environment began to change.

Although not a single friend of mine was a staunch Muslim. They never prayed.

He would ask questions, I would come home and read the Bible and try to find the answer and thus read the entire Holy Bible in six months. And it took five to eight years for spiritual peace, comfort and the blessing of faith to come again.

What was not done with ease and love was done by God in a strict way. Taking away my peace.

Those emotions, spiritual state, thoughts I cannot describe in words. Everything was different from worldly conditions.

I was afraid of cheating someone, of doing something wrong. I could not harm anyone and I started trying it myself. To do no wrong.

Because now I realized that whenever one acts or speaks against God's commands, spiritual peace is destroyed.

May God's hand never be hard on you people, there is great spiritual suffering in it. When God gives you a voice, you can understand it and follow the commands of God's word. Love, and work hard for the expansion of His kingdom.

Bread, money, luxury will be provided for you. You don't have to work hard for it.

When I received the blessing of non-tongue, I clearly felt that someone had touched the underside of my tongue. And immediately I began to pray in the spiritual language, the language of the Holy Spirit. That moment was also great.

Then the next ten were spent in further understanding the word of God and various other books, history.

God works very differently. He allows people to follow their own free will. And those whom He converts then make it their duty to remind people again and again about God's commandments and His excellence.

The devil tries to act like a God. You people will not even know whether it is from God or from Satan. When you will be in the presence of God, then you will know and you will also begin to be judged.

The blessings of the Holy Spirit are for each person and I pray that whatever you are hearing God will make you experience it practically.

There is fun in it, there is peace, there is victory. And at the same time, God teaches you to love all nations. Greed ends. This is where you experience spiritual life as your love for the world and worldliness diminishes.

Things that will bring you peace and comfort will begin to materialize. Remember that the comfort and fruit that comes from God does not involve pain or suffering, and the growth that comes from the devil will have some kind of pain or suffering that will manifest in the future. This is my experience and observation.

May God bless you guys and may God fulfill all your needs from His divine treasure.

May God bless Pakistan and the administration of Pakistan and enable them to take decisions with understanding and wisdom. Amen.

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