Thursday, May 27, 2021

Search the Scriptures: The source of comfort

Writing to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul offered this inspired benediction: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the daddy of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our soreness, in order that we may well be capable of comfort those that are in any anguish, with the consolation with which we ourselves are comforted by using God (2 Corinthians 1:3-four; ESV)."

God isn't just one supply of consolation out of many. The Bible publicizes Him to be the God of all comfort, the originator of comfort and the highest quality source from which comfort flows to the .

God isn't the source of false consolation: those lies, crutches and fabrication which people utilize to circulation from one second to yet another with greater ease and fewer intellectual agony. God does not comfort people with false hope, however speakme the certainty in love, He urges men to turn from their sin and idols with the intention to get away the arriving destruction.

There become an occasion when the aforementioned apostle Paul, having written so eloquently to the Corinthians church about consolation, had purpose to talk with a certain Antonius Felix, the procurator of Judea. We examine regarding this: "After some days Felix came together with his wife Drusilla, who turned into Jewish, and he sent for Paul and heard him speak about faith in Christ Jesus. And as he reasoned about righteousness and self-handle and the coming judgment, Felix turned into alarmed and mentioned, 'Go away for the existing. once I get an opportunity i will be able to summon you (Acts 24:24-25; ESV).'"

Felix become through all accounts, a depraved, merciless, and corrupt man, whose leading interest in Paul became not theological, however monetary (cf. Acts 24:26). Paul, as God's spokesman, offered Felix no consolation, however instead spoke to the man concerning things that made him alarmed and discomforted. until Felix modified his ways, grew to become to Christ, and found salvation, there become no consolation that may be legitimately given him.

Yet for those that come to Him, God does certainly offer comfort. hence did Christ invite, "come to me all you who are heavily confused and i shall offer you rest (Matthew eleven:28)," and accordingly did He promise, "blessed are all those who mourn, for they shall be comforted (Matthew 5:four)."

where does this consolation come from and what's its nature?

God presents us consolation in mercy and salvation. Judgment comes upon sin, however God is inclined to save us from our sins, throughout the blood of Christ, once we repent of these sins and switch to Christ to have those sins washed away (cf. Acts 22:sixteen). "there is hence now no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)."

God offers us consolation in love and grace. Grace, different from mercy, shows God's favor and approval. God does not just forgive us and flow on. quite, God takes these He forgives, brings them into His family unit, gives them presents, and promises them eternal life. In Christ we now have each religious blessing within the heavenly locations (cf. Ephesians 1:3) and we now have these benefits, whilst we have salvation, because God does love His babies and he'll look after them (cf. Matthew 7:7-11).

God presents us comfort in hope. there's coming a day when the dead in Christ shall upward push, and having risen from the useless, they shall ascend with Christ into an everlasting living, where they shall dwell with Christ perpetually. No depend what we are experiencing now, there is consolation in figuring out that in Christ things will be more desirable (cf. 1 Thessalonians four:13-18).

God presents us comfort in fact. God can't lie. When He warns of hazard and judgment to come, He speaks the actuality. however likewise, when God guarantees salvation, the walk in the park of that promise offers us security and luxury. it is an, "anchor of the soul," sure and steadfast (cf. Hebrews 6:17-20).

And, then eventually, God presents us consolation in fellowship. be aware Paul's admonition that God comforts us in order that we can in turn consolation every other. God, in the beginning, knew that it was now not first rate for man to be by myself (cf. Genesis 2:18) and so He gave us one one more, creating a family unit. Likewise in Christ, He brings us into His household, educating us to share His love, as we gain knowledge of it, with one one other.

In all these techniques, God gives us authentic comfort in the middle of trials and afflictions. consolation in a position to face up to all that lifestyles could throw our manner.


Jonathan McAnulty is minister of Chapel Hill Church of Christ. Viewpoints expressed within the article are the work of the author.

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