Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Gospels reduce from Jewish Scriptures, #5 – Vridar

I have taken time out to music down and catch up with several of the French works that Charbonnel cites and that has just a little to do with the long time between the last submit during this collection and this one.

It's been too long considering that I visited our French students of the Bible so here I proceed with part 5 of Nanine Charbonnel's desk surroundings out the "historical testament" sources of the Gospel narratives. In Jésus-Christ, sublime figure de Papier Charbonnel is offering a case for the gospel figure of Jesus Christ being created wholly from a type of "midrashic" classification composition wherein distinctive scriptural texts are woven collectively into a new story to fulfill new neighborhood wants.

The table below is my own adaptation of Charbonnel's French-language multi-web page desk, with a number of slight editorial adjustments and my very own translations and summaries.

The work of checking each scriptural reference (they're all hyperlinked so you might examine them effectively too) has impressed upon me simply how totally the gospels are very seemingly pastiches of Jewish scriptures and a few non-canonical writings. There appears to be nothing left over requiring explanation as if from some other source. Jesus going for walks on water turned into no longer an exaggerated retelling of a biographical event where Jesus took place to be jogging on a sandbank (as some have talked about); nor had been the healing miracles exaggerations of some real-life psychological power Jesus had over these with illnesses. . . . they, everything, become written as a renewal of a sacred saying or scripture. neither is there anything else new concerning the educating of Jesus: every thing he's narrated as having taught is a re-writing of Scriptural or proverbial teachings of the time of the evangelists.

Jesus is created as a new voice and consultant of a new Israel. the dominion of God has come, the promises have been fulfilled in Jesus. international locations, gentiles and Jews, are now one in Him. The gospels are written, obviously, as a new set of scriptures through which the historical are to be interpreted anew.

There is no historic grownup of Jesus behind the narrative. If there had been then there can be some indication of a real grownup that the narrative had to adapt in some way to scriptures. What we locate as an alternative, youngsters, is a determine thoroughly, thoroughly, made up of scriptures. Scriptural rewriting is the warp and woof of what he does, what happens to him, and what he says and teaches.

right here we seem to be on the Jewish Scripture sources for:

a. the calling of disciples and sending them out to evangelise

b. teachings of Jesus – to each Jews and gentiles

c. miracles of Jesus – to both Jews and gentiles

d. the destiny of John the Baptist and the beginnings of the rejection of Jesus

The table is basically a translation and slight change of pages 183-226 of Nanine Charbonnel's Jésus-Christ, sublime figure de paper. All posts archived right here. (I have brought the photographs) In Galilee: Matthew four:12-16 Quoting Isaiah 9:1-2 – land of the gentiles The name of the apostles = the call of Elisha by means of Elijah, 1 Kings 19:19-21 they abandon their fishing nets he deserted his oxen to run after Elijah Matthew 13:forty seven  the kingdom of God is like a fishing net + Micah 7:2 they hunt every other with nets

+ Habbakuk 1:15  he catches them in his net

the twelve apostles

= the twelve tribes of Israel (Jesus is the brand new Moses: Exod 24:4; Deut 1:23

+ the brand new Joshua [=Jesus]: Josh. 3:12; four:1-3 — "when Jesus/Joshua had crossed the Jordan God advised him to choose twelve guys, one from every tribe"

Matthew 9:9 – Matthew became at the toll workplace

Mark 2:14 and Luke 5:27 – Levi, the son of Alphaeus

halaf — "Alphaeus" impressed from the Hebrew root which means to exchange, to invert, to transform currencies. Jesus drove the money changers out of the Temple. He drives their sons, the Levi, from the Temple. this is the leitmotif of eschatological reversal (the first should be the last) "[Mergui] Luke 4:16-30 – the analyzing within the synagogue of Nazareth: the text of Isaiah = fulfilment of Isaiah 61:1, almost about the primary consecration of the excessive Priest Luke four:38; Matthew eight; Mark 1 – the healing of the spouse's mother of Simon (Jesus makes her "rise up".) midrashic wordplay: spouse's mother in Hebrew is hamoth; hema is warmth, fever; and homah = wall, pointing to the wall of the temple John 3 – the phrases Jesus makes use of in speakme with Nicodemus : born once again = booklet of Proverbs of Solomon 1:23 John 7:34 "you are going to look for me however you'll not locate me" = wisdom, Proverbs 1:28 "they will look for me but will now not locate me" +

Hosea 5:6 "they are going to go to seek the lord and they'll not discover him"

Matthew 5:1-12; Luke 6:20-26 — The sermon on the mount = Moses on Sinai (Ex 19), Elijah at Horeb (Ex 3) Blessed are those that….

= the first be aware within the e-book of Psalms; Blessed / chuffed is the man who…. +

Psalm forty one:1-2  – Blessed are people who agree with the negative, the Lord will offer protection to them….

Luke 6:31 – as you possibly can want others to do to you, do you likewise the golden rule = Hillel "do not do to your neighbour what you can not like him to do to you; here is the entire Torah, he stated. The relaxation of the commandments are commentary. Go, and study them." (Shabbat, 31a) benefits and curses = Deuteronomy 27:eleven-13  Moses stated the blessings and curses. + all of those guarantees are diversifications of the messianic age (consolation, blessing, inheriting all, becoming sons of God) [Baeck, 140] the need inherit the earth = Psalm 37:eleven – however the meek will inherit the land they could be convinced = Isaiah 66:eleven – for you may nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breasts; you're going to drink deeply and enjoyment in her overflowing abundancePsalm 17:15 – when I wide awake, I might be satisfied with seeing your likenessPsalm 22:26 – The bad will devour and be satisfied; they will be known as the toddlers of God Isaiah 61:6; 62:12 — but you shall be named the monks of the Lord, They shall name you the servants of our God. — and they shall call them The Holy americans, those that are pure in heart Psalm 24:4 – He who has clear palms and a pure coronary heart, announcement of the dominion of Heaven We recognize that within the late second Temple era that the liturgy of the Rosh Hashana pageant blanketed a "kingdom prayer" calling for the arriving of the kingdom of God to rule all of humanity. (Genot-Bismuth, 177) The whole sermon of Matthew 5 Identifies with the midrash of the Tanaitic preachers [Genot-Bismuth, ch 7] Luke 6:6 curative the man with the withered hand = Exodus four:6-7 The indications God worked through Moses of his hand becoming leprous then entire Mark 1 the healing and purification of the leper

= the conversion of the gentile via Elisha, 2 Kings 5:14 Elisha asks Naaman the Syrian to scrub his leprosy in the Jordan; = the americans of Israel (Miriam) bothered with leprosy, an indication of the punishment of God Num 12:10 and healing due to Moses+ A lamb may still be slain seven days after a leper is cleansed (Lev 14) The miracle of the storm (Matthew 8:23; Luke eight; Mark four)   "Let's go to the different side" = crossing of Jordan by Joshua/Jesus + demise in the boat(Mark 4:38; Jesus sleeps) Jonah 1:3; 1:5 on a "execs-kephalaion" = pillow, whatever thing for the pinnacle Jacob's sleep Gen 28:eleven Hebrew word mə·ra·'ă·šō·ṯāw = which translates … more exactly "a place to put his head" (rosh) the wind Hosea 13:15 the anger of God on Jonah the disciples woke him, saying, "Lord, save us" Psalm 107:23-30 within the storm their braveness melted away, they cried out to God; Psalm 44:23 "Wake!, Why do you sleep, Lord?" + Isaiah fifty one:9 the storm is calmed Psalm seventy eight:65-66 "The Lord woke like a man from sleep… He beat again his enemies" = victory over dying + Psalm 89:9 "You crush the delight of the ocean; when its waves rise up you calm them." Psalm 106:9 (LXX) epitimesi tè thalassè [=rebuke the sea] +  Isaiah 51:15 The miracle of the surprising trap Luke 5 Peter's worry = worry of Isaiah earlier than YHWH (Isaiah 6:5) Mark 5 from one aspect of the lake to the different = both aspects symbolize the buildings of the gentiles and the Jews Mark 5 – the healing of the daughter of Jairus [=Shines] chief of the synagogue = Elijah healing the baby of the widow of Zarephath – 1 Kings 17 hemorrhaging lady Origen: = the Ethiopian married by way of Moses (Num 12:1) = Christ offers precedence to the Gentiles over Israel as recommended in Ps 68:31: "The Ethiopian might be first to stretch out her fingers to God" in the synagogue, the stone of stumbling (Rom 9:32) "They stumbled over the stumbling stone. 33 because it is written: "See, I lay in Zion a stone that motives people to stumble" Isa eight:13-14 [oracle of YHWH] "he's the one you are to worry, he's the one you're to dread. 14 He may be a holy vicinity; for each Israel and Judah he can be a stone that factors americans to stumble Matthew 21:42 Jesus observed, "have you ever by no means examine in the Scriptures: 'The stone the builders rejected has turn into the cornerstone' Psalm 118:22 The stone which the builders rejected has turn into the cornerstone Simon is called Peter Isaiah 28:16 "So here is what the Sovereign Lord says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a confirmed stone, a valuable cornerstone for a bound foundation" [this follows the condemnation in Isaiah 28:15 of the spiritual and political leaders of Jerusalem] Exorcisms, curative of those possessed = the exorcisms David performed to cast out Saul's demonic spirit, 1 Sam sixteen:23 lady washes the toes Gen 18:four the hospitality of Abraham + 1 Sam 25:41 "behold, your handmaid will be a slave to clean the ft of the servants of my lord" + Gen. 19:2; 24:32; forty three:24 Luke 4:28-30 and John 7:30 Jesus walks throughout the adverse crowds who want to trap him. = the new Elisha, 2 Kings 6:18-20 Matthew 26:53 Jesus speaks of a heavenly army able to come to his defence: more than a dozen legions of angels = like Elisha, a mountain stuffed with horses and chariots of fireplace, 2 Kings 6:16-17 Matthew 17:17 (unbelieving and depraved race) = Deut 32:5 (corrupt and wicked race) + knowledge, Prov 8:8 "there's nothing perverse or treacherous in me" commands not to tell others he is the Messiah = Isaiah forty two:1-2 "my servant will now not cry out or carry up his voice to be heard within the streets" The seventy two = the whole world Genesis 10 72 tribes of the earth Sending the Twelve out two via two Deut 19:15  at the least two witnesses required to set up a questionwear sandals Exodus 12:11 "here is the way you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals for your toes and your group of workers in your hand. eat it in haste; it's the Lord's Passover." — the liberation from Egypt working clothes, loins girded, don't salute any person on the way = 2 Kings four:29 "and Elisha noted, 'Gird up your loins and go. in case you meet someone, don't say hello'" Luke 10:7 consume and drink some thing they offer you = the Levites, Numbers 18:31 Mark 9:38-39 John, one of the crucial Twelve, mentioned to Jesus, "master, we saw someone casting out evil spirits for your identify. We advised him to stop because he became not one of us." Jesus responded, "Don't stop him…" Numbers eleven:25-29 besides the fact that children, two men, whose names were Eldad and Medad, had remained in the camp. They had been listed among the many elders however did not go out to the tent. Yet the Spirit additionally rested on them, and they prophesied in the camp. 27 A younger man ran and informed Moses, "Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp." 28 Joshua son of Nun, who had been Moses' aide considering adolescence, spoke up and said, "Moses, my lord, stop them!" 29 but Moses replied, "Are you jealous for my sake? I desire that all of the Lord's individuals were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!" Luke 21:38 the americans got here to the Temple early within the morning to hear Jesus = Sirach 5:12 [in some versions] "those that stand up early in the morning for [wisdom] can be full of joy" Matthew eleven:29-30 "Take my yoke on you… my yoke is mild…" = knowledge, Sirach 6:24-29 "Put knowledge's chains round your ft and her yoke round your neck. …. and he or she will develop into your pleasure." Luke 9:sixty one the disciple who turns lower back, "Lord, allow me to take depart of my family unit first" = 1 Kings 19:20 Elijah chose Elisha to be his disciple, and Elisha replies, "Let me kiss my father and mother farewell" Luke 10; Matthew 9:37 the harvest is considerable = sign of the conclusion-time, the ultimate judgment, Joel 3:13, "swing the sickle, the harvest is ripe" Jesus and his disciples compile the corn on the Sabbath day = Isaiah 27:12 "God will begin the threshing; he will opt for up each and every son of Israel one by one like an ear of wheat" + 17:5 Luke 11:27 Blessed the womb that bore you and the breasts that gave you suck Genesis forty nine:25 The blessing of Jacob for his son Joseph, "the advantages of the breast and womb" instructing in parables and precepts: = Psalm 78:2 "i'll open my mouth in parables and utter hidden things from of old" Mark 2:27-28 "Then he stated to them, 'The sabbath became made for man, and never man for the sabbath'" = Talmud, Yoma 85b: "The Shabbat is given to you, it isn't you who are given on the Shabbat"; see additionally Mekhilta 31:13 Matthew 5:13; Mark 9:50; Luke 14:34: "you're the salt of the earth. but when the salt loses is savour, with what shall it be salted?" issues the Jewish individuals + a proverbial expression, see Bekhorot 8b [Baeck, 139] Matthew 5:17; Luke sixteen:17 "I are looking to take nothing away and i want to add nothing" = Deut 12:32 "without nothing introduced and nothing taken away" Matthew 6:19; Luke 12:33 "do not keep up treasures on this planet… save up treasures in heaven" = parallel passages within the Talmudic literature [Baeck, 140] Matthew 5:33-37 33 "once more, you have heard that it was referred to to the individuals lengthy ago, 'don't destroy your oath, however fulfil to the Lord the vows you've got made.' 34 but I tell you, do not swear an oath in any respect:. . . 37 All you deserve to say is without difficulty 'yes' or 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one As we locate within the Haggadic subculture now and again many verses are combined up together: Lev. 19:12; Ps. 50:14; Num 30:3; Deut 23:22. The different biblical verses cited here are Isa. 66:1,  Isa. forty eight:three [Baeck 142] Matthew 6:14; Mark 11:25 "if you forgive, your heavenly father will forgive yours, too; but if you don't…." = a favored adage, see Sirach 28:2Shabbat 151b [Beck, 144] Matthew 5:38-39 38 "you've got heard that it turned into talked about, 'Eye for eye, and teeth for enamel.' 39 however I let you know, do not resist an evil person. If any one slaps you on the correct cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." Isaiah 50:6 "I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those that pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting." [Baeck, 145] Matthew 6:6 "should you pray, withdraw into your room" = Isaiah 26:20 "Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doorways behind you" — addressed to the americans Luke 10:25 Parable of the decent Samaritan the person half-useless = the americans of Israel (represented as a solitary man) healed his wounds through pouring oil = anointing of kings, clergymen and prophets? Mark 6:14 the beheading of John the Baptist The Jews misplaced their head? Mark 6:22 Salome dances = the daughter of Jephthah who comes to meet him dancing Judges eleven:34 Mark 6:23 "i'll provide you with even half of my kingdom" = Esther 5:three the king offers queen Esther up to half of his kingdom; she requests he attend the feast Mark 6:34; Matthew 9:36 "they were like sheep without a shepherd" = Jeremiah 23:1-6 "Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!" + Ezekiel 34:23 + Num 27:17 Moses sends Jesus/Joshua "in order that the americans aren't like sheep with no shepherd" John 10 "i am the decent shepherd" = Psalm 23 "The Lord is my shepherd" the shepherd offers his life = 1 Samuel 17:34 Luke 15 the sheep misplaced and located = Ezekiel 34:16 "i will be able to seek the lost sheep" Luke 13 the parable of the fig tree = Genesis 3:7, the leaves of the fig tree coated Adam's nakedness + Hosea 9:10, "just like the fruit on the fig tree within the top season I noticed your fathers" Matthew 21:19; Mark 11:12-14 the cursing of the fig tree devoid of figs = the americans of YHWH, with out fruit = sin at Bethphage = condo of figs? Matthew 24:32-33 the dominion of God is like a fig tree. When it produces younger twigs and leaves appear you understand that the harvest is close. "is in line with a verse from Cant. 2, 13 which become interpreted in the past in a Messianic feel. At its foundation additionally doubtless lies a play on words between [Hebrew] KeTS (the end, the messianic age) and KaYiTS (harvest, summer season)" [Baeck, 152] Luke 19 Zacchaeus the sinner at Jericho =Jericho is the gateway for the Hebrews to the Promised Land (Joshua 6). here's where you need to birth over, as from scratch, if the primary covenant failed. sycamore, false fig tree = The sycamore or false fig tree is the image of a deviated Israel. This tax collector, collaborator of the Romans, is excommunicated from the Temple and from the genuine Israelite group; we despise him and reject him // "Nathanael beneath the fig tree, Zacchaeus on the sycamore; one nonetheless under the legislations, the different rising above the legislations" (St Ambrose: Commentary) Matthew 22:1-10 Invitation to the banquet; sending the servants = knowledge, Prov. 9:3 "She has despatched out her servants, and she calls from the highest aspect of the city" The Bread = The legislations Mark 6; Matthew 14; John 6 The miracle of the multiplication of loaves = The manna of Exodus sixteen, referred to as bread v.4 (Numbers eleven:7-9) One has to feed them YHWH instructs Moses that it's quintessential to feed the americans, + = 1 Kings 17:14 Elijah and the widow "the flour will now not fail" + see 2 Kings 4:forty three the striking distribution of the bread with the aid of Elisha: "How might I distribute to so many individuals?" And leftovers + the priest Melchizedek Gen 14:18 + the messiah David distributing to each a basket of bread 2 Sam 6:18-19. seated on the grass = Psalm 22 on the sparkling grass meadows 5 loaves and a pair of fish = 5 Books of the legislations 12 baskets continue to be 12 tribes? Mark 8 the second multiplication of bread = the giving of the legislation to the gentiles 7 loaves, 7 baskets left over the universe Mark 8:19-21 19 after I broke the 5 loaves for the 5 thousand, what number of basketfuls of pieces did you decide upon up?" "Twelve," they answered. 20 "And after I broke the seven loaves for the 4 thousand, what number of basketfuls of pieces did you prefer up?" They answered, "Seven." 21 He observed to them, "Do you nonetheless not take note?" = when I gave the law to the gentiles, I saved the twelve tribes of Israel [?]

4000 guys = the four cardinal elements

the asserting contains a symbolic that means

John 6:33 the residing bread comes down from heaven = wisdom in Proverbs 9:5 "Come, devour my bread" + Exodus 16:15-16 – the manna Parable of the seed that falls to the ground

= Joshua 23:14 "Now i'm about to head the style of all the earth. You recognize with all your heart and soul that no longer certainly one of the entire decent guarantees the Lord your God gave you has failed. each promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed." Luke 11:29 — soliciting for signs Judges 6:36-forty Gideon asks for a sign from God Mark 6; Matthew 14 going for walks on the sea The Exodus of the people of Israel on the sea of ​​Reeds Exodus 14-15 and on the Jordan Joshua 3-4 + Job 9:8 "God who walks on the heights of the ocean" + Sirach 24:5-6: knowledge observed "I walked on the waves of the ocean" the concern of the disciples the concern of the Israelites, Exodus 14:10 jogging on the ocean the axe blade of Elisha which floats on water 2 Kings 6:6 Matthew 9:20; 14:36; Mark 6:fifty six; Luke eight:44  to be saved by way of touching the fringes of his cloak Moses + the cloak of Elijah 2 Kings 2

= the conversion of the gentiles, Zechariah 8:23 here's what the Lord Almighty says: "In these days ten americans from all languages and nations will take enterprise hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, 'let us go together with you, as a result of we now have heard that God is with you.'"

Mark 7 surpassing dietary restrictions = announcing the legislation to the gentiles Mark 7 curative the deaf-mute = Isaiah 29:18 "In that day the deaf will hear the phrases of the scroll"; Isaiah 35:5-6 "and the mute tongue shall shout for joy" gentile lands = asserting the legislation to the gentiles Mark eight:31 "he taught them that the Son of Man have to be rejected" = Psalm 118:22 the stone that the builders rejected has develop into the cornerstone + Isaiah 52-53 the suffering Servant Matthew 22:34 "hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees acquired collectively." Psalm 2:2 "the rulers band collectively towards the Lord and against his anointed"


Future posts will proceed this sequence.

Charbonnel, Nanine. 2017. Jésus-Christ, sublime determine de Papier. Paris: Berg overseas éditeurs.

Baeck, Leo. 2002. Les Evangiles, Une source Juive. Paris: Bayard.

Genot-Bismuth, Jacqueline. 1995. Le Sage et le Prophète: Le Défi Prophétique Dans Le Monde Juif Des Premiers Siècles. Paris: F.X. de Guibert.

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