Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio grasps at outrage straws over Dem ...

Marco Rubio, a sentient inflatable tube man fashioned like a U.S. Senator, has inserted himself into Georgia's U.S. Senate runoff elections over the closing week, and this morning he attempted to drum up controversy by means of criticizing Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock for quoting Jesus.

On Wednesday morning, the Florida Republican tweeted a clip of Warnock, who has been a senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta on the grounds that 2005, criticizing the Democrat for his radical stance of, you be aware of, studying the Bible.

"no longer shocked #Georgia Democrat Senate candidate Raphael Warnock referred to 'You cannot serve God and the defense force' at the equal time," tweeted Rubio. "These & even crazier issues is what the radicals who handle the Democratic birthday celebration's activist & small dollar donor base believe."

Rubio, who's regularly occurring for posting day by day Bible verses, appears to neglect that Warnock is basically quoting the massive man Jesus Christ himself. As former countrywide press secretary for the Democratic countrywide Committee Hari Sevugan stated, the verse comes from the Sermon on the Mount, which is a typical Christian concept about not serving two masters.

"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he'll cling to the one, and despise the different, Ye cannot serve God and mammon." — Matthew 6:24

To be clear, the factor isn't that you simply literally can't serve in the armed forces, or not it's for you to't serve militarism and God, which interestingly has made experience for heaps of years to each Christian apart from Marco Rubio.

This, of path, comes from a person whose complete existence on Twitter has been one outstanding self-own after yet another, like the time the Senator attempted to pay tribute to the late John Lewis with the aid of changing his Twitter avatar to a photograph of Elijah Cummings, or when he thought a journalist became a Venezuelan dam, or who could neglect the time he acquired shellacked by way of some teenagers at a CNN town hall and spent the next few days getting mad online and justifying being bought by the NRA.

This story first looked on our sister paper's w ebsite, inventive Loafing Tampa.

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