Saturday, September 19, 2020

The works of the Holy Spirit

From the very starting, the Holy Spirit has been at work. generally, His work (because the all-powerful, Omnipresent and Omniscient God) covers everything and every realm of existence. He became worried within the introduction (Psalm 104:30; Job 33:4). His actions lengthen to the revelation of Divine will and plan of redemption for mankind, as well because the authorship of the Scripture (2 Peter 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:sixteen). The Holy Spirit also played key roles within the earthly life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

Our center of attention right here, although, is on the works of the Holy Spirit in terms of the salvation of man and the lifetime of a Christian.

In promising to ship the Holy Spirit, Jesus designated the work he became to do, mainly in terms of salvation and Christian existence (John sixteen:7-sixteen). The work was categorized in the passage into two namely: Convincing/Convicting (eight-11) and suggestions into all fact/Revelation (12-15):

• Convincing/Convicting: The Greek be aware used here, elegcho, as variously rendered within the NT, can imply convince, convict, expose, exhibit fault, rebuke and refute. it is most likely used right here to suggest convincing and convicting "in regard to sin, righteousness and judgment". it is the Holy Spirit that within the first place, could make someone to peer himself as sinner, after which be certain of the righteousness brought about with the aid of the sacrificial dying of Jesus Christ, in addition to Divine judgment. It is just via the convicting/convincing work of the Holy Spirit that one is saved and is still saved unto the conclusion.

• The assistance/Revelation work ensures that the Christian does not derail from the style. He should be enabled to reside the life this is based on God's Will, and to His compliment and glory.

Our salvation, holy life and successful mission as Christians are viable only with the aid of the works of the Holy Spirit. there's a limit to what we will do. as an instance, we can preach, nonetheless it is the Holy Spirit that may do the conviction and conversion. he is the one who brings conviction to the unbeliever and motives him to look the fact of the gospel in a clear mild. those that reply to this conviction and region their faith in Jesus Christ get hold of everlasting existence and a new nature.

The non secular birth and fruitful/holy life are utterly based on the works and activities of the Holy Spirit, that are variously captured in the Bible as follows: He enhances access to God (Eph. 2:18); assures the sonship of God (Rom. eight:15-16, Gal. 4:6), cleanses from filthiness and unrighteousness (I Thess. three:13, I Pet. 1:2); convicts of sin (John 16:9, 14); commissions tasks (Acts 20:28); empowers for carrier and witness (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:eight); intercedes (Rom. 8:26); interprets scripture (I Cor. 2:1, 14; Eph. 1:17); leads and guides in truth (Rom. eight:14, Jn. sixteen:13); teaches (Jn. 14:26); strengthens in the internal man (Eph. 3:16); regenerates (Titus three:5); sanctifies (Rom. 15:sixteen); seals (Eph. 1:13,14; four:30); gives spiritual gifts (I Cor. 12:eight-11); etc.

The Holy Spirit plays an immense position in the utility of salvation to the individual. He unites the believer with Christ in His loss of life, enabling him to are living victoriously over sin. The Holy Spirit in us is not for embellishment or fancy. he's somewhat a urgent want of each Christian and should be activated and fully utilised. it's tragic to withstand or ignore the works of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The Ven. Dr Princewill Onyinyechukwu Ireoba is the Rector, Ibru international Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor, Delta State.

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