Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Christians betraying Jesus by using promoting out oppressed ...

as the Novel Coronavirus sickness (COVID-19) sweeps during the world in frequent, and Zimbabwe in specific, one can not fail to witness the wonderful phenomena of Christians – especially, musicians and preachers – who have unexpectedly come out in full drive praying, preaching, and condemning this pandemic – at the same time as, on the same time, encouraging Zimbabweans to reside powerful and retain protected all through this making an attempt period.

source: Christians betraying Jesus with the aid of selling out oppressed Zimbabweans to tyrannical regime – The Zimbabwean

indeed, this is mighty commendable and praiseworthy work on the part of the Christian community, as such is precisely what is anticipated of a individuals who are alleged to be representing Jesus Christ, and abiding via God's teachings and commandments on their position during this world – which is, predominantly, to face with the stricken, and communicate out for the voiceless.

youngsters, alas, this sudden demonstrate of force by using the Christian group has somewhat been discovered trying in other respects.

As a whole lot because the COVID-19 pandemic is definitely a catastrophic occurence, which requires the loud voice of God's infants to be powerfully and unequivocally heard – Zimbabwe had, on the other hand, already been suffering beneath a more destructive, heinous, and malicious scourge for the previous forty years – which, has iniquitously wrecked thousands and thousands upon millions of innocent and defenceless Zimbabweans' lives.

Yet, on no account has the equal unambiguous, forceful, and unyielding outpouring of indignation – as commendably displayed all through this COVID-19 duration – been expressed by way of the Christian group.

Why is that so? As a devout Christian myself, i'm left profoundly dumbfounded!

Are Christians telling Zimbabweans that God – who we comprehend to be loving, compassionate, and a hater of sin – would only condemn an epidemic that, most assuredly, is wrecking havoc amongst us, primarily right here in Zimbabwe, however not say a notice against a regime that has bloodless-heartedly butchered over 20,000 innocent men, women, and kids (together with, unborn babies, who had been gouged out from their pregnant moms' wombs with bayonets), that has left over 5 million of its own residents dwelling on the brink of hunger (which, according to the United countries was generally man-made, as a result of govt incompetence), with millions greater decreased to abject poverty (unable to manage to pay for even probably the most simple necessities for their daily sustenance)?

Are Christians saying that the God we so proudly serve is blind and uncaring to the rankings extra blameless and unarmed people who were mercilessly gunned down via security forces (purportedly, as a result of they have been protesting violently), or the tons of extra, who were brutally hacked to demise, for aiding the opposition, or those three ladies (amongst many different political and labour activists) who had been lately allegedly abducted, ruthlessly crushed up, atrociously sexually ravaged, and callously abandoned at some highway side?

If Christians can also be quiet, and faux that nothing of this model is happening in this country, then, what photo of God are we portraying to the realm?

we now have already – via this COVID-19 pandemic – shown that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is there for us, loves us, cares for us, and protects us from any calamity. So, what's our silence saying when it comes to the different – arguably, more devastating and harsh – scourge tormenting the people of Zimbabwe?

let us in no way forget that God Himself in Proverbs 31:eight,9 –  amongst an entire host of other biblical verses – instructions us to: "Open your mouth for the speechless, within the cause of all who're left desolate. Open your mouth…and plead for the cause of the terrible and needy".

God is unambiguously instructing us, as Christians, to OPEN OUR MOUTHS for people that are unvoiced, who are oppressed, subjugated, and suppressed. he's commanding us to OPEN OUR MOUTHS for the bad and needy.

sure, donating meals, clothes, blankets, and different needs to the bad and needy is a really simple part of our caring and loving mission as Christians – but, so far as God is involved, it is naturally no longer ample.

We need to rise up, and speak OUT against all styles of injustice and evil perpetrated by the potent upon the weak and defenceless.

that is our mission. Yet, we are found nowhere in that regard.

Are we scared? do we worry guys over God? if so, then we need to seriously and truthfully reevaluate our sincerity as Christians.

The Bible itself is crammed with stories of guys and ladies of God who stood up towards the strongest kings and queens, in rebuking them for their wayward and sinful ways.

Have we forgotten Elisha's condemnation of King Jehu, or Elijah's uncompromising stance in opposition t King Ahab (and Queen Jezebel), or Isaiah's brave rebuke of King Hezekiah, or Shemaiah's words of disapproval towards King Rehoboam, or Ahijah's boldness in opposition t King Jeroboam, no longer forgetting Samuel's unshaken castigation of King Saul, Nathan's unflinching words towards King David, and even John the Baptist's denouncement of King Herod?

certainly, these kings wantonly perverted practically all of Jehovah's commandments – including, disobedience to God's elementary instructions, worshipping false gods (idolatry), adultery, and homicide.

Yet, the genuine guys and ladies of God OPENED THEIR MOUTHS and SPOKE OUT towards such despicable and unrighteous acts.

were they not terrified of these kings' competencies murderous reactions? Of course, they were afraid. Very afraid.

truly, when God despatched Samuel to anoint David because the subsequent king, he overtly expressed his apprehension at King Saul's feasible anger – yet, Jehovah bolstered him, and he proceeded to bravery carry out his mandate.

John the Baptist was even imprisoned, and consequently decapitated by King Herod for his bold retribution of his adulterous marriage to Herodius (his personal brother's spouse).

Jesus Christ Himself, warned His disciples that they'd be persecuted, and put to demise for His identify's sake – however, that didn't stop them from engaging in their mission with the utmost dedication, zeal, and faithfulness, as they were emboldened by the Holy Spirit, even to the dying.

These amazing guys of God did not just restrict their activities to praying for his or her nations, nor did they in simple terms offer phrases of consolation and encouragement to their kings and americans.

No. They acted on God's commandments for us to OPEN OUR MOUTHS when the greater potent treat the weaker with disdain, oppression, and downright evil.

Yet, right here in Zimbabwe – the place the ruling establishment is relatively in violation of every commandment of Jehovah God Almighty – His representatives of are conventional for their deafening silence.

Which commandment have those in vigour in Zimbabwe now not maliciously violated?

From idolatry and evil worship (as even attested by using the late former President Robert Gabriel Mugabe's deathbed worry, that they'd use his corpse for ritualistic applications to increase their powers), to killing (as witnessed via the thousands upon hundreds who've savagely perished at once at this regime's fingers, or hundreds of thousands extra via lack of nutritious foodstuff, or medicines, because of the authorities' gross negligence), committing adultery (who does not know these officers' promiscuous life), stealing (via unfettered corruption and looting of country wide materials), and even bearing false witness (as they regularly accuse opposition activists of a large number of unsubstantiated crimes).

We, because the Zimbabwean Church, are, for this reason, now not anticipated to do any lower than our forefathers – in confronting, with Holy Spirit boldness and conviction, all those in authority – of direction, with the respect that the Bible commands, but with the truth that God demands of us.

for far too lengthy, the Christian Church has bore the uneviable background of being linked to colonization, slavery, and another acts of oppression and subjugation – characterized by allegations that these americans got here holding the Bible in one hand, even as brandishing a gun in one more – such that, most americans across the world have, understandably, at all times perceived us of being colonial equipment.

however, this turned into the entire work of satan the satan, who definitely sought to tarnish the image of Christianity, as we're purported to be the actual opposite – mandated to be brokers of freedom and emancipation, instead.

The time has now come, that we eventually stood up, and spoke out firmly and unequivocally for what God in fact despatched us to do – for the oppressed, needy and terrible, and against all types of injustice and oppression.

because the Apostle Paul stated, it is more satisfying to die for the sake of Christ, than to die on account of sin.

as a result, even all that I write and say, is of God – now not of any political party. For however i am to be killed today or day after today, by using those I boldly talk in opposition t, no opposition political entity can ever truthfully declare that they knew me, nor became I their supporter or member – yet, Christ Jesus Himself will actually proclaim, "Most assuredly, I knew him, and i sent him to say these things".

For that, i am happy with.

© Tendai Ruben Mbofana is a Christian social justice activist, author, author, and speaker. Please feel free to contact him on WhatsApp/Calls: +263733399640 / +263715667700, or Calls simplest: +263782283975 / +263788897936, or email: mbofana.tendairuben73@gmail.com.

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