Saturday, May 16, 2020

end of the world: Bible professional reveals where the remaining ...

although, Professor Meyer stated it's impossible to foretell when the Rapture will take place and how long it can be between the Rapture and the beginning of the Tribulation.

but John the Apostle, who penned the Bible's ebook of Revelation, predicts the battle will precede Jesus Christ's 1,000-12 months reign on this planet.

John wrote the combat will take vicinity in a location known as Armageddon or Har-Mageddon in Hebrew.

Professor Meyer noted: "Har-Mageddon is a place. despite the fact that the book of Revelation became written in Koine or 'ordinary' Greek, John states in Revelation 16:16 that the customary observe and that means for Har-Mageddon is in Hebrew.

"This indicates us that it is the Hebrew form that counts during this context, now not Greek, now not English, nor any other language."

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