Sunday, April 26, 2020

How Hebrews 1 Hammers domestic the Deity of Christ

When it comes to biblical texts that train Christ's deity, we likely consider of passages like John 1 ("The note changed into God," John 1:1), or 2 Peter 1 ("our God and Savior Jesus Christ," 2 Pet. 1:1). however there's yet another text that arguably teaches Christ's deity more relentlessly than either of these, and that's Hebrews 1.

Hebrews 1 is an impressive meditation on how Christ is greater than angels. Now the question of how Jesus compares to angels isn't exactly on the front-burner of most modern evangelical minds (angel-oblivious people that we're). but for first-century Jews, there would've been few more desirable easy methods to reveal Jesus's divine nature than to show that he is better than the angels.

but before we count number the techniques through which Hebrews 1 teaches the Godhood of Jesus, let me share with you a constructive educating tool that may assist us respect this remarkable chapter.

H.A.N.D.S. of Jesus

of their awesome publication placing Jesus in His area: The Case for the Deity of Christ, Robert Bowman and Ed Komoszewski creatively spell out five different ways the Bible bears witness to Jesus's divinity the use of the acronym H.A.N.D.S.

H – Jesus shares the Honors of GodA – Jesus shares the Attributes of GodN – Jesus shares the Names of GodD – Jesus shares the Deeds of GodS – Jesus shares the Seat of God's everlasting throne

accept as true with it or now not, Hebrews 1 carries examples of all five. So let's take them in mnemonic order.

1. Honors: Whom Do the Angels Worship?

We see this most naturally in Hebrews 1:6, which reads, "And when he [God] brings the firstborn into the area, he says 'Let all God's angels worship him.'"

If there's one thing that's clear in Scripture, it's that God by myself need to be worshiped. When satan tried to bribe Jesus into worshiping him, Jesus responded, "Be long past, devil! For it's written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God and him handiest shall you serve'" (Matt. 4:10). Worship is an honor reserved for God. conclusion of dialogue.

And yet worship is also an honor that Jesus receives from all rational creatures: human beings (Matt. 14:33), fallen angels (Phil. 2:10), and holy angels (Rev. 5:eight–14). in accordance with Hebrews 1:6, the God who instructions americans to worship him alone additionally instructions the angels to worship Jesus.

When angels worship Jesus, he doesn't inform them to get up.

Angels aren't precisely known for being informal about worship. Twice in the booklet of Revelation, an angel rebukes the apostle John for attempting to worship him (Rev. 19:10; 22:eight–9). This should still remind us how glorious and mighty angels definitely are. If we had been to really see one, we'd probably be like John—our first instinct would be to give way and worship him.

however we'd be rebuked. Angels inform men to "worship God" (Rev. 19:10; 22:9), but God tells angels to worship the Son. That should inform us some thing about who Jesus is. When angels worship Jesus, he doesn't inform them to get up.

2. Attributes: who is the Unchanging, eternal image of God?

God's attributes are those perfections that Scripture ascribes to him that make him who he's. Some attributes he shares with us, but others belong to him alone. for instance, God alone is everlasting and unchanging and omnipotent and all-realizing.

And yet in line with Hebrews 1:10–12, the Son is also unchanging and everlasting. "[The heavens] will perish, but you remain . . . like a garment they might be changed, however you're the equal, and your years will haven't any end." Who else however Yahweh may say "For I the LORD do not trade"? (Mal. three:6). apparently Jesus can.

Who else however Yahweh might say 'For I the LORD do not exchange'? (Mal. three:6). curiously Jesus can.

additional, verse 3 implies that the Son really shares all of God's attributes. It describes him as "the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature." Statements like this serve as the groundwork for the doctrine of the Son's everlasting generation. The Son's approach of being God is to be ceaselessly from the daddy via generation (whereas the daddy is from none), but in any other case he's the exact imprint and spitting graphic. They share each divine attribute.

3. Names: who is Israel's Lord and God?

Two of the most renowned historic testament names for God are utilized to Jesus in this chapter. both come by the use of quotations from the Psalms.

the first is "God." It's proper the Hebrew old testomony occasionally refers to the angels as "gods" (elohim; Ps. 8:5; Heb. 2:7). however Hebrews 1:7–eight indicates that they're now not the kind of God that Jesus is.

Of the angels he says

"He makes his angels winds,and his ministers a flame of hearth."

but of the Son he says,

"Your throne, O God, is perpetually and ever . . . " (Heb. 1:7–eight)

here the Son is explicitly addressed as "God," as an old testament passage speakme of God is applied to the Son (though even during this quotation, God the Son is exclusive from God the father; be aware verse 9).

The 2nd name is "Lord." immediately after citing Psalm forty five and calling the Son "God," the writer cites Psalm 102:25–27, "You, Lord, laid the groundwork of the earth in the starting" (Heb. 1:10). The observe here is kurios, the Greek note typically used in the Septuagint to translate the Hebrew YHWH, "the LORD," God's covenant name. The small but strong variety of verses calling Jesus "God" may additionally galvanize us more, but the dazzling number of passages calling Jesus "Lord" should still impress more than they do, on account that "LORD" (YHWH/kurios) is the most known identify for God within the old testament.

And in case you ask yourself if this "Lord" is a person under absolutely God, simply wait till you hear what he did.

4. Deeds: Who Made the Heavens and Earth?

The Bible is apparent that God alone made the heavens and earth. He says so himself in Isaiah 44:24:

i am the LORD, who made all things,who alone stretched out the heavens,who unfolded the earth by myself.

As for the angels, they had been existing when God "laid the foundations of the earth" (Job 38:4), but most effective as spectators and singers (Job 38:7), now not as creators.

Genesis 1:1 is set Jesus.

Yet Hebrews 1 is obvious that the Son is the one "although whom God . . . created the area" (Heb. 1:three). It turned into the Son who "laid the foundation of the earth within the starting, and the heavens are the work of [his] arms" (Heb. 1:10). In different phrases, Genesis 1:1 is ready Jesus.

The thought of Jesus being the Creator also connects with names (he is Lord and God; Heb. 1:eight, 10) and with attributes (he need to be omnipotent and eternal; Heb. 1:eleven–12).

5. Seat: Who Sits at God's right Hand?

The creator's final argument for Jesus's superiority to angels is available in verse 13. Citing Psalm 110:1, he asks rhetorically:

And to which of the angels has [God] ever observed,"sit down at my appropriate handuntil I make your enemies a footstool to your toes"?

The reply is "none of them." God wasn't exalting one angel above others when he invited the Son to sit down on his throne (cf. Rev. three:21). And while it's actual that this invitation turned into given in historical past on account of the Son's obedience here on earth (Heb. 1:4; cf. Phil. 2:9), it's in keeping with the proven fact that he was already the divine Son in eternity before the area turned into made (Heb. 1:2–three).

most effective Response

So there you have it. five approaches the Bible bears witness to Jesus's Godhood, wrapped up in a memorable acrostic, correct there in one marvelous chapter. cover it for your heart. save it away for conversations with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.

And don't forget to be part of your ministering angel in worshiping the one who is the radiance of God's glory and the exact imprint of his nature.

Justin Dillehay (MDiv, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Hartsville, Tennessee, the place he resides along with his spouse, Tilly, and his babies, Norah, Agnes, and Henry. he is a contributing editor of The Gospel Coalition.

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