Sunday, February 23, 2020

God's Kingdom has only 1 entrance – Jesus Christ ...

Q: What does is mean when Jesus calls Himself “the door”? â€" T.D.

A: each condominium and building has at least one entrance. each nation has aspects of entry. The toddlers of Israel entered the Promised Land by way of the Jordan River. God had delivered them out of slavery and persecution into an improved country, and that entry element nonetheless remains today.

the dominion of God additionally has an entrance â€" only one â€" and it's Jesus Christ. He declares, “i'm the door. If any individual enters by way of Me, he will be saved” (John 10:9). The human heart has an entrance as smartly, however many have it bolted, defiantly refusing to let Christ come in. The Bible says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any one hears My voice and opens the door, i will are available to him” (Revelation three:20).

God fashioned our hearts and desires to dwell there, but many have locked theirs up, ignoring the Savior who says, “i'm the way, the certainty, and the lifestyles. no person involves the father apart from via Me” (John 14:6). nonetheless, many refuse His salvation by means of claiming that they don’t consider there is only one option to God.

In 1971, when the crew of Apollo 15 returned to the earth’s atmosphere after a adventure of pretty much 300 hours and well-nigh half a million miles, they had to re-enter the earth’s atmosphere via a hall below forty miles extensive. it truly is a slim passage. This illustrates what Jesus mentioned: “Enter with the aid of the slim gate; for broad is the gate and vast is the style that leads to destruction” (Matthew 7:13).

Jesus Christ opened Heaven’s door for us by using His loss of life on the pass and via His resurrection from the grave. When He knocks, don't turn Him away.

This column is in accordance with the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.

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