Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Is the Bible the inerrant word of God | Christian forums

Handmaid for Jesus spoke of:

do we trust the end time prophecies?

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In Mark chapter 13, 2 time periods are prophesied about, the primary of which is at first addressed this way:

1 As Jesus became leaving the temple, one among his disciples noted to him, "appear, teacher! What massive stones! What unbelievable structures!"

2 "Do you see all these splendid structures?" replied Jesus. "no longer one stone here may be left on another; every one will be thrown down."

And continuing then later on the mount, they ask Him greater details, and so then the relaxation of Mark chapter 13 , which comprises a 2nd time period, the conclusion times: Mark 13 NIV

but for that past time the prophesy of the destruction of the temple, which we are able to understand historically came about in August 70 ad: That no two stones would be left standing on each different.

but the mainstream view discipline to plenty of important examination arrives as this conclusion as to when Mark turned into written down:

"Mark likely dates from ad sixty six–70."Gospel of Mark - Wikipedia

T o me the most gigantic factor though about the accuracy of Mark is as a substitute a unique element --

Statistically because of human existence span distribution, we can understand that this sort of time range implies with mathematical certainty (any one please ask that wants more aspect) that after Mark was written down, there were nonetheless dwelling eye witnesses to Christ, who had heard His phrases personally, first hand -- still obtainable when Mark changed into written down. Some small element would nonetheless be living at that time, about 35 years later, who had been youthful when He preached in adult and heaps came to hear.

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