Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Yehoshua: Prince of Peace: Savior: grasp Glorify HIM ...

Yehoshua: Prince of Peace: Savior: master Glorify HIM! compliment Him! Extol Him! he's important to be praised! Jesus, the Christ, Son of the dwelling God!

Dr. Jeanette Parker 

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there's anything about that identify. master, Savior, Jesus. Let all heaven and earth proclaim! Kings and Kingdoms will all circulate away, however there is whatever about that name. The Almighty One (Revelation 1:8): The Alpha and Omega (Revelation 22:13): Our advocate (1 John 2:1); The creator and Perfecter of Our faith (Hebrews 12:2); The Authority (Matthew 28:18); The Bread of existence (John 6:35); The beloved Son of God (Matthew 3:17) "The Bridegroom (Matthew 9:15) : the manager Cornerstone (Psalm 118:22); The Deliverer (1 Thessalonians 1:10) faithful and actual One (Revelation 19:11); The first rate Shepherd (John 10:eleven); The notable high Priest (Hebrews four:14); the pinnacle of the Church (Ephesians 1:22); Your Holy Servant (Acts four:29-30); "The incredible "i am" (John 8:58); Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14); The Indescribable present (2 Corinthians 9:15); judge (Acts 10:42); King of Kings; Lord of Lords (Revelation 17:14); The Lamb of God (John 1 :29); The easy of the realm (John eight:12); The Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5); The Lord of All (Philippians 2:9-eleven); The only Mediator between God and man(1 Timothy 2:5); The Messiah (John 1:forty one); Mighty One; Savior; Redeemer (Isaiah 60:16): One Who units Free (John 8:36); Our hope (1 Timothy 1:1); Our Peace (Ephesians 2:14); Prophet (Mark 6:4); Risen Lord (1 Corinthians 15:3-4); Rock (1 Corinthians 10:four); The Atoning Sacrifice (1 John four:10); Son of Man (Luke 19:10); Son of the most high (Luke 1:32); Supreme Creator Over All (Colossians 1:16-17); The Resurrection and The life (Martha and Mary had been weeping over the death of their brother Lazarus. (Jesus additionally wept.) They each spoke of if you had been here he should not have died. Jesus noted to Martha, "do you accept as true with Lazarus will upward push? Martha observed, "i do know he might be raised within the remaining day. These are probably the most most relocating, dramatic words fo r me within the Bible when Jesus said, "i'm THE RESURRECTION AND THE lifestyles." Oh, how i like to study that account of the elevating of Lazarus. It offers me so much hope and comfort, realizing that at some point, i'll abide in that wonderful heavenly home.jp) (John eleven:25); The Door (John 10:9); The truth (John eight:32); the manner (John 14:6); The be aware (John 1:1); genuine Vine (John 15:1); reality (John eight:32); successful One (Revelation 3:21)spectacular Counselor, Mighty God, eternal Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6); Holy Father, support us to have fun the optimal reward of all, the One who has given us "the free present of salvation, Jesus Christ" for He on my own is precious to open the seals and has possession of the "ebook of existence."

Jeanette Grattan Parker, PhD. Founder/Superintendent today's sparkling start charter colleges:"Inquiring Minds wish to recognize"© www.askdrjeanetteparker.com:askdrjeanette.successontheway@gmail.com. Askdrjeanette tm Thanks for studying!

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