Thursday, December 5, 2019

go phrases: Jesus knows temptation - Pomeroy daily ...

Christmas is a time to rejoice the arrival of God into our world. Theologians name it the incarnation. It's a flowery note representing each the humanity and divinity of Christ. God in human flesh. And while it will probably seem to be complex to grasp, Christmas can't ensue without it.

The Bible says, "And the be aware grew to become flesh and dwelt among us, and we now have viewed his glory, glory as of the most effective Son from the daddy, full of grace and actuality" (John 1:14 ESV).

The incarnation is God placing Himself in our shoes. It's Him being born to a virgin. As a helpless baby. In a unclean manger. In a bit city referred to as Bethlehem. The Bible describes Jesus as "… the photo of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation" (Col. 1:15 ESV). and yuletide is a time we worship God for His coming to earth in the adult of Jesus Christ.

via the Christmas story, we understand that Jesus is familiar with what it's want to be human. As Dorothy L. Sayers writes, "If Christ changed into only man, then he is absolutely inappropriate to any notion about God; if he's best God, then he's fully inappropriate to any experience of human lifestyles." however Scripture makes it clear that Jesus got here as each completely God and entirely man.

For the subsequent 4 weeks, I'm writing about this fascinating reality. as a result of the incarnation, Jesus is familiar with the plight of humanity. He knows temptation. Rejection. struggling. And grief. He has been there.

The themes of temptation, rejection, suffering, and grief seem to be disconnected from the joy of Christmas. but Christmas is more than a lovely child surrounded by way of cuddly animals. Christmas is about the coming of our Savior. and because of that, we find consolation in figuring out that Jesus is familiar with the struggles of humanity.

Let's see how Jesus understands temptation.

In Matthew 4, Jesus is tempted by means of the satan himself. After fasting for forty days and forty nights, Jesus is hungry. "And the tempter came and mentioned to him, 'when you are the Son of God, command these stones to turn into loaves of bread'" (v. 3 ESV). no longer handiest does Jesus remember temptation, He is aware starvation.

The Bible continues, "however he answered, 'it's written, "Man shall now not live by means of bread alone, however by using every be aware that comes from the mouth of God"'" (v. 4 ESV).

however that is simply the first of three temptations. In verses 5 and 6, the devil tempts Jesus to jump from the top of the temple. In verses eight and 9, the satan tempts Jesus to bow down and worship him for the glory of the world.

Jesus is aware the fight you and that i face each and every and each day in opposition t the enemy. "For we don't battle in opposition t flesh and blood, but towards the rulers, towards the authorities, towards the cosmic powers over this latest darkness, in opposition t the spiritual forces of evil within the heavenly locations" (Eph. 6:12 ESV). Jesus is familiar with what it's like to be tempted at facets of human weak point. He is aware being attacked in areas of vulnerability. And that should comfort our weary hearts.

I don't find out about you, however I face temptation on a regular groundwork. I'm tempted to trust more in myself than God. I'm tempted to locate pleasure in this world in place of God. I'm tempted to disregard what God has known as me to do as His child. I regularly fail. It's known as sin. however Jesus handles His temptation in another way.

each time Jesus is tempted with the aid of the satan, He responds with God's be aware. After His first temptation, Jesus rates Deuteronomy eight:3. After his 2d temptation, Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 6:16. And after being tempted a 3rd time, Jesus fees Deuteronomy 6:13.

Matthew 4:eleven concludes, "Then the satan left him, and behold, angels got here and were ministering to him" (ESV).

How often will we complain about our battle in opposition t sin as if God is unaware? How often will we blame God for our wrestling with temptation? The Bible obviously says that God tempts nobody (see James 1:13).

As you face temptation, hold just a few issues in intellect. First, Jesus knows temptation. God is aware about the battle you face. Secondly, face your temptation with the observe of God. here is your sword (see Eph. 6:17). And thirdly, needless to say Jesus is more desirable than all temptation and sin (see Rom. 6).

No rely what form of temptation we face, we will discover leisure within the palms of a Savior who is familiar with. Why? as a result of He got here as a baby on that day we call Christmas.

Isaiah Pauley is the Minister of Worship for faith Baptist Church in Mason, W.Va. find extra at

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